KLEIB COVER PRO is a latex paint designed for decorative painting of indoor walls and ceilings. It is easy to spread over the painted surface, achieving high efficiency and excellent coverage. The paint's matte coating is resistant to scrubbing, and its microporous structure allows the walls to breathe. KLEIB Cover Pro can be used on plaster (cement and cement-lime), gypsum base, drywall, wallpaper, and fiberglass wallpaper.
- good coverage
- resistant to scrubbing
- low VOC
- applied with roller or spray
- vapour permeable
- matte finish

2,5 l
5 l
10 l
0,08-0,10 l/m² (one coat applied on a smooth, even and properly prepared substrate)
CALCULATE CONSUMPTIONKLEIB Cover Pro is a latex paint designed for decorative painting of indoor walls and ceilings. It is easy to spread over the painted surface, achieving high efficiency and excellent coverage. The paint's matte coating is resistant to scrubbing, and its microporous structure allows the walls to breathe. KLEIB Cover Pro can be used on plaster (cement and cement-lime), gypsum base, drywall, wallpaper, and fiberglass wallpaper.
The working surface should be clean, dry, compact, uniform, free of grease and dust. Scratches and deficiencies should be repaired and filled in. The paint should be applied to a strong, compact working surface. The surfaces to be painted should be dusted off thoroughly and then washed with water. Walls painted with chalk based paint and flaking working surfaces should be washed, then deep penetrating KLEIB G2 primer should be applied. We recommend priming plasterboards with KLEIB G1 before painting. It is particularly important to prime board joints and areas partially covered with gypsum mortar, as the use of KLEIB G1 primer equalizes the absorbency of the working surface and prevents streaks when painting. Warning: It is recommended to paint a given area using paint from the same production series (date), under the same conditions and in the same fashion.
The paint is supplied ready to use. It may not be combined with other materials. After opening, mix thoroughly the contents of the bucket until a smooth uniform consistency is obtained.
The paint should be applied in two coats. If the first primer coat is applied, Kleib Cover Pro paint can be diluted up to 10% with water. Colour paint should be used without diluting. The paint should be applied at an air and working surface temperature of +5°C to +28°C. Subsequent coats are recommended to be applied after at least 4 hours. Paint plasters after 6 weeks of curing or after the time indicated by the manufacturer of a particular plaster, finishing plaster, putty
The paint should be stored and transported in tightly closed tubs in dry conditions and plus temperatures from +5°C to +28°C, away from sources of heat. Protect from overheating. Note: Water-based product. It is permanently damaged when temperatures fall below freezing. Expiry date indicated on the packaging.