for interior and exterior use
KLEIB C14B M10 is a white masonry mortar for the erection of structural and non-structural walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete, brick, hollow block, and similar types of ceramic, concrete or limestone and sand materials. The mortar allows to bond elements of masonry with thin joints of the thickness from 1 mm. The maximum joint thickness should not exceed 5 mm. The mortar can also be used for surface levelling and puttying (layer thickness 1-5 mm). For indoor and outdoor use. KLEIB C14B is of M10 product class.
- white
- convenient and economical in use
- high durability
- excellent adhesion and flexibility
- possibility to use for joints with the thickness from 1 mm
- frost resistant

25 kg
KLEIB C14B is a white masonry mortar for the erection of structural and non-structural walls made of autoclaved aerated concrete, brick, hollow block, and similar types of ceramic, concrete or limestone and sand materials. The mortar allows to bond elements of masonry with thin joints of the thickness from 1 mm. The maximum joint thickness should not exceed 5 mm. The mortar can also be used for surface levelling and puttying (layer thickness 1-5 mm). For indoor and outdoor use. KLEIB C14B is of M10 product class.
The surfaces of the parts to be bonded shall be free from dust and crushed fragments. In order to obtain a thin joint with a uniform mortar thickness over the entire length of the layer, it is recommended to grind and remove dust from the surface of previously bonded blocks. When levelling or puttying, the surface should be dry, stable, even and load-bearing. Excessively absorbent surfaces should be primed with KLEIB G1 primer before performing any work.
The mortar is prepared by pouring dry mix into a container with a measured amount of water and mixing until a smooth, uniform consistency is obtained. The mortar is ready to use after 5 minutes and after remixing. Prepared mortar is to be used within approx. 3 hours.
KLEIB C14B should be distributed evenly using a notched trowel on a horizontal plane of masonry elements. It should also be applied on vertical contact planes, unless the technology provides for a different method of joining. Each subsequent laid element should be pressed and set with a rubber hammer to the desired position. Do not apply the mortar on a too large surface at a time, as it retains its adhesive properties for approximately 2 minutes after spreading (depending on the parameters of the substrate and environmental conditions). Tools should be washed with water immediately after use.
Homogenous wall thickness Mortar layer thickness 3 mm From a 25 kg bag
12 cm ok. 4 kg/m² ok. 6,2 m²
18 cm ok. 6 kg/m² ok. 4,2 m²
24 cm ok. 8 kg/m² ok. 3,1 m²
30 cm ok. 10 kg/m² ok. 2,5 m²
36 cm ok. 12 kg/m² ok. 2,1 m²
The mortar must be transported and stored in tightly sealed bags, in dry conditions (preferably on pallets). The shelf life is up to 12 months from the manufacturing date on the packaging.